CCSD Scholarships

The Cornell Club of San Diego (CCSD) is proud to offer two local scholarships for Cornell students from San Diego County. The availability of these scholarships stems from the interest and generosity of individual alumni donors, as well as friends of the Jones family in the San Diego community. 

For more information, contact our Scholarship chair here.

Willie James Jones, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is named in the memory of Lincoln High School valedictorian and outstanding citizen Willie Jones, Jr. Willie was expected to graduate with Cornell's Class of 1998, but was tragically killed only days before he was to matriculate at Cornell. Willie was an extraordinary individual. He thrived both academically and athletically and was viewed as a role model by peers and leaders in the San Diego community. 

The Cornell Club awards this scholarship to a Cornell freshman from San Diego County who demonstrates financial need and embodies Willie's qualities of excellent academics, leadership, and community service.

In 2011, the Cornell Club board endowed - in perpetuity -  an honorary scholarship in memory of Willie James Jones, Jr. This guarantees that every year an incoming Cornell freshman from San Diego County will fulfill his or her dream to attend Cornell - a dream that was sadly taken away from Willie. 

Give today to help an incoming San Diego freshman attend Cornell. Let's keep Willie's memory alive. 

Click  below to watch a commemorative news special on Willie Jones, Jr.


"Give me a place to stand, and I'll move the world." --Willie J. Jones, Jr.

How can you contribute?

Contribute online
Please click here to contribute online, and designate your gift to the “Cornell Club of San Diego Willie Jones Memorial Scholarship.”

Contribute by Mail

Make checks payable to: Cornell University/CCSD Scholarship. Please reference #501819

Mail to: Cornell University, Box 37334, Boone, IA 50037-0334

Donations are fully tax-deductible.

Willie J. Jones, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Recipients:

2023-2024 Harmony CALS ‘24 Morse High School ‘20

2022-2023 Erica CALS ‘25 San Marcos High School ‘21

2015-2016 Virginia ARTS ’19 The Bishop’s School HS ‘15

2014-2015 Anne ARTS '18 Canyon Crest Academy HS '14

2013-2014 Amy ARTS '17 Patrick Henry HS '13

2012-2013 Ashkan ARTS '16 Canyon Crest Academy HS '12

2011-2012 Calvin  HE '15 Torrey Pines High School '11

2010-2011 Rebecca ILR '14 Bishops School '10

2009-2010 Drew ARTS '13 San Dieguito High School Academy '09

2008-2009 Jeannette ARTS '12 Carlsbad High School '08

2007-2008 Hansen ARTS '11 Torrey Pines High School '07 

2006-2007 Enrique HE '10St.  Augustine High School '06

2005-2007 Elizabeth HE '09 Vista High School '05 

2004-2006 Matthew ALS '08 San Dieguito High School (Encinitas) '04 

2003-2005 Nicole ARTS '07 Temecula Valley High School '03 

2002-2004 Matt HE '06 La Costa Canyon High School '02 

1999-2002 Daniel ILR '02 La Jolla High School '99

1995-1996 Benjamin Myers Fallbrook High School ‘96

Tradition Fellowship

Endowed in 1990, the CCSD Tradition Fellowship is awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and community service commitment. The selection of a local recipient is made by Cornell's Financial Aid Office and the Alumni Affairs and Development officials in Ithaca.

Tradition Fellowship Recipients:

Elise ILR ’18 Cathedral Catholic High School

Maria AAP '15 Mater Dei High School

Elizabeth H.E. '09 Vista High School

Goeffrey Hotel '08 Poway High School

Natalie HE '05 La Costa Canyon High School

Angie Hotel '03 Rancho Bernardo High School

Thuy ENG '01 Mira Mesa High School


We are forever indebted to Stuart Lourie '69, former Scholarship Chair, for his inspired leadership.  Thank you Stu.

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Type in “Cornell Club of San Diego Willie Jones Memorial Scholarship” and “amount of your gift”

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Scroll down and complete your personal and payment information and submit.

This should complete your gift. Thank you!